Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Cats and Essential Oils: A Hidden Hazard

March is Pet Poison Prevention Awareness Month!  Many pet parents are aware of the dangers to pets posed by cleansers, medications and table foods. But what about those all-natural aromatherapy diffusers and sprays? While the essential oils used in these products can be beneficial for humans, some can cause problems for pets. Others still can be fatal to our cats.

Our pets rapidly absorb essential oils via the mouth, or over the surface of the skin. They are then metabolized by the liver. Cats, however, lack the enzyme they need to process and eliminate the toxins which occur naturally in certain oils. They are also inclined to develop respiratory problems from inhaling vaporized oils. While the full scope of essential oils known to sicken cats is not currently known, the following is a list of oils with a well-documented history of toxicity. They include, but are not limited to, pine, citrus, eucalyptus, Ylang ylang, peppermint, pennyroyal, sweet birch, wintergreen, cinnamon, clove, and tea tree oils. Until more is known about the potential dangers of these products, pet parents are advised to use extreme caution when using essential oils near pets. And under no circumstances should essential oils be given orally to a cat, or applied directly to a cat’s body.
The essential oils used in air fresheners, odor removers, and aromatherapy diffusers can sicken our cats.

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Meet Oliver, Our March Pet Of The Month!

World, meet Oliver - our March Pet Of The Month!

Oliver is a two-year-old Russian Blue who was abandoned by his owner just days before Christmas Eve. While we can only imagine how betrayed he must have felt, no Grinch was going to steal his Christmas - a holiday angel stepped up to the plate and gave Oliver the forever home of his dreams. Of course, his new mom thinks she hit the jackpot, so we'll just call it a win-win.

Congratulations Oliver, and share with all your friends - you're our Pet Of The Month!

Oliver scored a new home for the  holidays!