Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Driving In Cars With Dogs - Safely


If you're a pet parent hitting the road for the holidays, chances are you'll be faced with a set of puppy dog eyes, just begging you to let them ride shotgun. While it's hard not to smile at the sight of a happy dog sticking her head out the car  window while the wind tousles her ears, it's important to remember that one of our cars' most crucial safety features - the air bags - were not designed with dogs or cats in mind. And a recent study revealed one in five drivers admitted to driving with their pets in their laps. 

Even in low speed crashes, air bags can deploy at speeds of up to 200 miles per hour. This degree of force can cause serious, even fatal injuries to a pet, even if the pet is in a crate. In simulated crash tests, popular pet carriers placed in the front seat and properly secured were crushed by the vehicles' airbags. Some of our patients have been injured by deploying airbags. One suffered a shattered scapula. The injury permanently altered his gait, which ended his show career. He was one of the lucky ones. When driving with pets, make sure they are not only properly secured, but safely ensconced in the back seat.

Vehicle airbags deploy at speeds of up to 200 miles per hour.
This dog should be secured in the back seat!

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Meet Snoopy, Our November Pet Of The Month!


World, meet Snoopy, our November Pet Of The Month!

In honor of Senior Pet Awareness Month, we are shining the spotlight on Snoopy! This sweet girl is 19 years old - she has been a part of Sabal Chase Animal Clinic longer than the Kupkees have. But why call her senior - we prefer the term "vintage."

Despite her vintage status, Snoopy is always bright and aware during her veterinary visits. While she deals with some of the same challenges common to older humans (read, arthritis and exercise intolerance), her family has always stayed up to date with her wellness care, and treats her like the princess she knows she is. If your pet is a large breed dog over the age of seven, a small breed dog over the age of nine, or a cat over the age of eleven, ask about our senior wellness bloodwork discounts, available from now until the end of the year.

Congratulations, Snoopy and share with all your friends - like a fine wine, you just get better with age. That's why you're our Pet Of The Month!

This sassy senior is 19 years old - and only getting better with age!

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

It's Senior Pet Awareness Month!


November is Senior Pet Awareness Month - and thanks to advances in veterinary care and nutrition, our pets are living longer lives than ever.  But like their human counterparts, pets require additional routine wellness checks to ensure they age as gracefully as possible. 

As our furry friends grow older, they are more susceptible to diseases of the kidneys, liver, thyroid and cardio-vascular systems. Pet parents are advised to be more diligent about dental care, as some of these problems are directly linked to advanced dental disease. Older pets are also more prone to arthritis and cognitive decline. Senior pets should be thoroughly examined by your family's veterinarian at least twice per year.  From now until December 31st, we are offering a 20% discount on our canine and feline senior wellness packages. Call us today to schedule an appointment for your senior friend - and for what it's worth, we prefer the term "vintage."

Vintage and fabulous!

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

October Is Pet Obesity Awareness Month!


October is Pet Obesity Awareness Month. It’s also a great time to think about the paradigms which lead us to allow our pets become overweight or obese. We’ve all seen pet food commercials where Fluffy races around the corner, and skids to a halt in front of a heaping bowl of food. Some advertisements feature toy breed dogs plowing into portions more appropriate for  a Golden Retriever.  With these types of images bombarding pet parents’ senses, it’s little wonder that over 60% of America’s pets are either overweight or obese.

In their zeal to avoid becoming victims of marketing, many consumers will take what is normally a wise course of action, and follow the instructions on their pet’s food for feeding suggestions. However, the suggested portions printed on these bags are often way too large. Bear in mind these are only suggestions, and many food companies would rather err on the side of overfeeding, as opposed to underfeeding.  Additionally, pet food companies are for-profit entities. At the risk of sounding like a conspiracy theorist, no company is going to print a label that basically tells consumers to consider using less of their product. Generally speaking, I advise my clients to read the recommended feeding amounts on the package, and reduce that amount by at least 20%.  Your veterinary team can better advise you on the best diets for your pet, as well as the amounts best suited for your pet’s individual needs.

This portion would feed this dog for at least five days!

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Meet Phoebe, Our October Pet Of The Month


World, meet Phoebe, our October Pet Of The Month!

Phoebe is a six-month-old, long-haired dachshund who joined her family during the pandemic puppy boom. This little girl has Dr. Kupkee wrapped around her little finger/paw, as he often insists "butter wouldn't melt in her mouth." In addition to being adorable, Phoebe is a bottomless pit of energy, pouncing on her toys and running her brother Zeus ragged. Zeus outweighs Phoebe by about 80 pounds, but who's really keeping track? Cuteness and confidence always win the day. You can watch Phoebe's antics by following her on Instagram at phoebe.thedoxie.

Congratulations, Phoebe and share with all your friends - not only are you an Instagram star (and Dr. Kupkee's secret crush!) you're our Pet of the Month!

Don't be coy, Miss October - you know you're our
Pet of the Month!

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Buying A Puppy? Buyer Beware


Buying A Puppy? Buyer Beware

As Covid variants threaten to extend our work from home experience, the pandemic puppy boom is still going strong. While it is always recommended to visit a local shelter in the hopes of finding that special little soul, there is still strong demand for purpose bred puppies. However. as reputable breeders run out of puppies, many buyers are turning to unlicensed hobby breeders selling puppies without the basic medical care needed to ensure they are healthy at the time of sale.

According to the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Protection, dogs and puppies for sale must be vaccinated against Canine Distemper, Hepatitis, Leptospirosis, Parainfluenza, and Parvovirus. If the dog is over three months of age, a Rabies vaccine must be given by a licensed veterinarian. Animals must be checked for intestinal parasites and dewormed. Dogs over six months of age must be tested for heartworm disease as well. Pets sold in Miami-Dade County are required to be implanted with a microchip. All work must be documented on a Veterinary Health Certificate and signed by a licensed veterinarian. If you are in the market for a puppy, and the seller cannot produce this certificate, or launches into an elaborate story about why there is no certificate...run. Sadly, the increased demand for pets is creating a market for improperly bred puppies with health problems that can severely impact their quality of life. 

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Meet Kobe, Our September Pet Of The Month


World, meet Kobe, our September Pet of the Month! 

Kobe is a mixed breed marshmallow who was recently brought home as a companion for his new BFF, Waffles. Abandoned in the Bahamas, Kobe was taken in and nursed back to health by Mutty Paws Rescue in Palm Beach County. When he isn't hanging with his buddy Waffles, Kobe can be found lounging on the couch...or the bed...or pretty much anyplace with there's love and warmth. These days, Kobe is all smiles - and so is his new family!

There are many loving dogs and cats just like Kobe in our local shelters and rescues. From now until September 20th, NBC Universal continues to join forces with shelters across the country as we attempt to #ClearTheShelters. If you're thinking of adding a fur kid to your family, consider working with a rescue or a shelter, and bringing a smile to a face as cute as Kobe's!

Congratulations Kobe, and share with all your friends - you're our Pet of the Month!

That smile though!

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Preparing Pets For Back-To-School Routines


Preparing Pets For Back-To-School Routines

As South Florida's lazy summers begin to wind down, families begin turning their attention to the task of getting children back to school. And for the many pets added to households during coronavirus lock downs, a return to full time, in-person learning can be especially confusing. 

Fortunately, many of the same techniques used to help children transition smoothly can also work for pets. Ease into new bedtime and morning routines a week or so before the school year begins. Try to anticipate anxiety triggers that may alert your pet to the family's impending departure. Backpacks, lunch boxes and uniforms should be placed within a pet's line of vision so they become part of the household background as opposed to something associated with being left alone for the day. Give pets an interesting puzzle toy or chew toy to keep them occupied, and do so right before leaving so pets will not focus on the family's departure. Perhaps most importantly, try not to feel guilty, and leave the house in a matter-of-fact manner. Mama dogs don't feel guilty about leaving the den to bring home dinner. We parents would be wise to follow their leads.

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Meet Gardenia, Our August Pet Of The Month!


World, meet Gardenia, our August - er, "DOGust' - Pet of the Month!

Gardenia is a five-year-old, adopted rat terrier mix who captured her family's heart with her deep and soulful eyes. And this little snuggler does indeed seem to always know exactly what everyone is thinking.  

When she's not slathering her human family with kisses, Gardenia can be found hanging with her brother from another mother, a Maltese named Winston. She seems tuned in to his needs as well, even going so far as to bring him his favorite toys when she knows he isn't feeling well. She truly is an intuitive little soul. 

Congratulations, Gardenia and share with all your friends - you're our Pet of the Month!

Those eyes though...


Wednesday, July 14, 2021

The Dog Days - And Dog Bites - Of Summer

Every year, more than 4.5 million Americans are bitten by dogs. More than half the victims are children between the ages of five and nine, and most bites occur during the months of July and August. While the expression "dog days of summer" has its roots in astrology, it's often used by animal care professionals as a reminder to be especially vigilant when supervising children and dogs during this time of year.

Like their human counterparts, dogs can become especially irritable and grumpy in South Florida's unrelenting summer heat. Rambunctious childhood behaviors that might normally be tolerated by dogs may be corrected with a bite if the dog is feeling uncomfortable or stressed. And since school closures and family gatherings increase interaction times between children and dogs, incidents which culminate in bites are statistically more likely to occur. If you plan to host a summer house party, make sure your dog has a cool, quiet place he can retreat to if he becomes overwhelmed. It is also helpful for parents to learn to recognize some of the canine body language cues dogs display when they are feeling stressed enough to bite. Helpful resources include veterinary behavior site www.Dr.SopiaYin.com https://drsophiayin.com/blog/entry/free-downloads-posters-handouts-and-more/ or the children's illustrated storybook Jake And The Gentle Dog by Lynn Kupkee. https://www.amazon.com/Jake-Gentle-Dog-Lynn-Kupkee/dp/1393306691/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=Jake+and+the+gentle+dog&qid=1622663456&s=books&sr=1-1

Direct eye contact and very close proximity can make a dog feel stressed enough to bite. Notice how the dog seems to be pulling back. The slightly pinned ears and furrowed brow are signs that this particular dog might appreciate a bit more space.

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Backyard "Pit"Falls And Pets


One of the rewards for enduring Miami's brutal summers is the stunning variety of tropical fruits that often grow right in our backyards. Mangoes, canistels, mamey and avocados are just a few of the delicacies that thrive in our climate with minimal maintenance by homeowners. Many pet owners are surprised to learn that our furry family members enjoy these tropical treats as much as we do. And they have no qualms about helping themselves to the fruit that falls to the ground. 

While the flesh of most tropical fruits is not toxic to pets, many will swallow the pits without bothering to chew them. Unfortunately, most pits are too large to pass safely through the pet's intestinal tract. This leads to life threatening blockages which can only be resolved by surgical intervention. If any such trees drop fruit in your yard, be sure to accompany your pet outdoors and supervise foraging activities. Pick up any fallen fruit promptly, and call your veterinarian immediately if your pet beats you to it.

Zohan recovers from emergency surgery after swallowing a canistel seed.

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Meet Ada, Our June Pet Of The Month


World, meet Ada - our June Pet of the Month! Ada is a 15-month-old Dutch Malinois who came into her "pawrents" lives during the 2020 Puppy Boom. The Dutch Malinois is bred to be smart, driven, energetic, and hard working. And Ada is no exception. 

When she's not out and about with her humans, Ada can be found playing with her ball. Or looking for her ball. Or chasing her ball. Because ball is life. And life is good. And after ball time, it's couch time! You can see all of Ada's adventures by following her on Instagram at ada_the_dutchmal.

Congratulations, Ada and share with all your friends - you're our Pet of the Month!

Ball defeated, time for couch!

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Meet Buddy, Our May Pet Of The Month!


World, meet Buddy, our May Pet of the Month! 

Buddy is a 10-year-old orange tabby who, like many of Miami's fabulous felines, simply showed up and made himself at home. It didn't take long for Buddy to work his way into the hearts of his new humans - sometimes by way of a shoulder. 

When Buddy isn't doing his best parrot imitation, he can be found relaxing with his fellow fur kids or hanging out in the birdbath. He's always a good sport about coming to see his friends at Sabal Chase, especially on acupuncture days with Dr. Rose. Buddy is being treated for inappetence related to kidney disease, and is always calm and content throughout his sessions.

Congratulations, Buddy and share with all your friends - you're our Pet of the Month!

A parrot in a past life...?

Or some other kind of songbird...?

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Acupuncture For Pets


Acupuncture For Pets

Pets who suffer from arthritis, anxiety, digestive problems, chronic pain, or neurological disorders may benefit from veterinary acupuncture. This ancient Chinese practice is becoming more commonly used to complement traditional Western veterinary practices such as surgery and medication. While not all veterinarians are trained in its use, modern research has shown that acupuncture can help reduce pain and inflammation in our companion animals. 

Veterinary acupuncturists place thin needles into specific points in joints, fascia, tendons and nerve fibers. This eases the pet's clinical signs by changing the way the patient perceives pain, or stimulating neurotransmitters in the brain. Our own dog Grendel received regular acupuncture treatments, and lived seventeen good years.  This despite being prone to many of the orthopedic problems that plague older Dachshunds. Your pet's veterinarian can let you know if acupuncture is right for your pet, and may be able to recommend a local practitioner. 

Grendel enjoying her Monday morning acupuncture sessions.

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Meet Matilda, Our April Pet Of The Month!


World, meet Matilda, our April Pet of the Month!

Matilda came to us as part of the pandemic inspired puppy boom of 2020. To the extent that lockdowns allowed, Matilda has been quite the gal about town, accompanying her mom on errands and enjoying the occasional Puppuccino at Starbucks. Just check out her Instagram at fraulein_woof. She's a star!

Her most significant role in the Sabal Chase world, however, involves being the apple of Luis's eye. Whenever she comes in for a visit, he makes it a point to snuggle his special girl.

Congratulations, Matilda and share with all your friends - not only are you an influencer extraordinaire, you're our Pet of the Month!

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

The Benefits of Kennel Training


The Benefits of Kennel Training

While veterinarians and behaviorists generally agree that crate training is ideal for both puppies and adult dogs, many pet parents confess they cannot bear the thought of seeing their pets "locked in a cage." Our dogs' wild ancestors, however, spent much of their time in dens. The den was where they would sleep, hide, shelter from the elements, and raise their litters. Kennel training simply takes advantage of the natural instincts our pets still possess as descendants of these early den dwellers. 

A kennel trained dog will perceive their kennel as a safe space in which to ride out thunderstorms, take a break from a bustling party, or duck out of reach of a curious, but overbearing toddler. Dogs who know they can retreat to their own space are better equipped to cope with anxiety, and therefore less likely to bite. Additionally, crate trained dogs are happier at boarding facilities, meaning we pet parents can travel with greater peace of mind. When we decide to bring our pets along for the trip, the kennel provides instant familiarity and comfort. While the surroundings may be new and strange, kennels allow our dogs to feel like they are traveling with their own special room, as well as joining us in our adventures. And the only thing more fun than discovering the world, is discovering it with a dog.

Kennel trained dogs make great travel buddies!

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

It's Pet Dental Health Month!


It's Pet Dental Health Month!

Many longtime pet parents are aware of the Veterinary Oral Health Council's recommendation of annual dental cleanings for cats and dogs. What is not yet common knowledge, however, is that dental radiology, or x-rays, are rapidly becoming the standard of care in veterinary medicine. 

While many pets return home from a dental cleaning with fresh breath and sparkling teeth, it is possible they are also leaving the hospital with untreated oral infections. This is due to the fact that without taking x-rays of the teeth, it is impossible to see the many signs of decay and disease that often fester beneath the gum line. In fact, the teeth of dogs and cats are best likened to icebergs, with five eighths of each tooth living under the gums, and only three eighths living above them. With so much happening beyond our field of vision, it is vital that radiology be used to spot the unseen causes of suffering in our furry friends. When booking your pet's next dental cleaning, be sure to ask if the procedure will include this important tool in diagnosing and treating painful dental disease. 

There's more to a canine tooth than meets the eye!

Monday, February 1, 2021

Meet Lola, Our February Pet Of The Month!


World, meet Lola - our February Pet of the Month!

Lola is a six-month-old calico cat who absolutely rules the roost. When she's not posing for pictures or lobbying to go along on road trips, Lola can be found living her best life in her super comfy kitty bed. Lola boasts the rare feline trait of being both a feisty calico, and a laid back love bug. She's even chill for her veterinary exams, which means extra cuddles and fear free visits. 

Congratulations, Lola and share with all your friends- you're our Pet of the Month!

"I can haz vacation?"

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Routine Blood Work For Pets


Routine Blood Work For Pets

In 2021, many new pet parents will be visiting a veterinarian for the first time. During these visits, it is possible your pet's health care team will recommend routine blood work. This may come as a surprise, as it can seem counter intuitive to run tests on pets who are seemingly healthy, and in some cases, fairly young.

Routine blood work is instrumental in finding many cases of diabetes, kidney disease, Cushing's  disease, liver problems, and many other conditions before the onset of clinical signs. This can save pets needless pain and discomfort, as well as arrest the progress of diseases before they become complicated and expensive to treat. In young dogs and cats, baseline blood work can allow your veterinarian to know which readings are normal for your specific pet at their peak of health. This allows your pet's health care team to see any future abnormal readings in a better context, and thus be better equipped to develop treatment plans which are better suited for your particular pet. 

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Meet Troy, Our January Pet Of The Month


World, meet Troy, our January Pet of the Month!

Troy is a three-year-old Boxer mix who rescued his humans. Naturally, the humans think it's the other way around, but the pets know the truth. 

When he isn't sunning himself or patiently waiting for treats, Troy can be found hanging out on the sofa with his humans, watching the Miami Dolphins. And while he's a little sad about missing the playoffs, Troy continues to remind us that when all is said and done, life is good - especially for a big, happy rescue dog.

Congratulations, Troy and share with all your friends - you're our Pet of the Month!

Sad Troy...

Happy Troy!